
Steps to Conduct a Robust Product Survey


To collect feedback as insight and source of analysis, a brand needs to do product surveys. With those aims in mind, surveys need to be optimally designed to ensure accurate results. 

A product survey is a set of questions given to a number of targeted users. They will be asked to provide answers that can serve as reference and data points for a brand. There are various benefits to be gained from conducting product surveys. Brand owners can access deeper insight on its products or services. Surveys may also supply businesses with valuable feedback.

A product survey also plays an important role in validating hypotheses. Survey results will show factual conditions in the market. In turn, this will help businesses make informed decisions instead of decisions based on baseless assumptions.

Optimal survey design and conduct

Data collected from product surveys are often utilized as a foundation for decision-making. Hence, surveys need to be properly conducted. A poorly designed survey will result in inaccurate results. This is a threat to decision-making as data do not reflect actual conditions. As such, it is highly important to understand how to optimize the design and execution of a product survey. Below are steps to ensure the most optimal survey.

1. Setting an objective

Set a clear objective of the product survey from the outset. Brand owners have to know the results they expect from conducting a survey. The better these goals and expectations are defined, the better a survey’s robustness is ensured.

Objectives will determine the research methodology. To learn about A or achieve B as results, a product survey is designed with a methodology that can obtain those specific results. As such, formulating clear objectives is a crucial first step.

2. Determining the right research target

Next is to determine the right research target or sample. Brands do not have to interview all demographics. Interviews among select demographics that fit the brand’s target segment are sufficient, as these are enough to represent the market they want to learn more about.

As such, businesses must identify the product survey’s target. Brands can design survey samples based on various factors of demography, residency, and socio-economic status. All these are adjusted according to brands’ needs.

3. Building questionnaire design

With a clear objective and research target in place, it is time to build the questionnaire design for product survey. Formulate a list of questions that can address concerns and answer the research objective. However, note the importance of keeping a compact and straightforward length of interview. It is considered best practice to only have 10-12 questions. Too many questions in a lengthy interview can cause respondent fatigue and may discourage them to participate in or complete the survey.

4. Executing survey tactically

After all preparations are done, the product survey can finally be executed. It is important to conduct this tactically. Choose a methodology that is most suitable and a data-collection method that is most optimal.

To ensure objective and robust results, try to minimize influencing or leading respondents. Let them give answers as they are. Avoid too many instructions that may influence a respondent’s answer. Additionally, pay close attention to the quality of survey execution. A survey should not only aim for quantity of respondents, but also quality of answers.

5. Evaluating survey for future improvements

Once the product survey has finished its execution, brands should not be satisfied with only getting the results they expected. Instead, brands should evaluate the survey that has been conducted. Learn as much as possible of its achieved strengths and remaining weaknesses. These will become valuable material to move forward and improve in future surveys

Armed with evaluation for previous surveys, improvements on future research designs can be made. Hence, product surveys can be conducted even more effectively and efficiently going forward.

Caution: The importance of careful data analysis

Product surveys that provide data can be a source of analysis and foundation of decision-making for a brand. However, collecting enough data without doing the correct and careful analysis of survey results will be in vain. To gain full advantage of product surveys, brands need to deep dive in data analysis.

To ensure insightful analysis, hiring services from parties with expertise can be very beneficial; from designing and conducting the survey to analyzing survey results more meaningfully. Consulting professionals in market research can be an effective way to interpret research data correctly. Ultimately, product surveys can serve their maximum potentials and purposes for a brand.



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